On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 11:06:06AM +0200, OBones wrote:
> Grierson, David wrote:
> >I completely understand that the action of sending to the Recycle Bin (in 
> >TortoiseSVN) is very system specific.
> >
> >To simply rename the item being reverted as $item.$backupSuffix before then 
> >restoring the pristine item is presumably not that system specific?
> >
> >Having this functionality in the base tool would then provide a benefit to 
> >all users and not just those using a specific IDE.
> I would very much prefer if this could be an option that is not enabled by
> default. I mean, this would clutter the filesystem with many files that one
> would have to delete manually, especially when considering that some of us
> are using less than optimal filesystems when it comes down to lots of small
> files.

This seems to hint that the revert-backup item
possibly should *not* be placed in the same directory as the item,
but rather in an "alternate tree base"
(creating random similarly-named files next to each other in unexpected ways
seems just asking for trouble,
and lots of it - think build system mechanisms, other automatic
handling, ...).

Knee-jerk sample (hard-coded, non-elegant, read: day-to-day occurrence ;):


"cp -a unit_test* some_dir/"
"some_dir/tool unit_test*"

One might even implement this as a config option ("revert tree base directory"),
and if left unspecified/empty
svn could fall back to having .reverted files local,
or another mode might be to record this within the local .svn dirs.

Andreas Mohr

GNU/Linux. It's not the software that's free, it's you.

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