On 8/14/2016 1:22 PM, Adam Jensen wrote:
On 08/13/2016 09:33 PM, Branko Čibej wrote:
But note that a rename is represented as an add+delete, so the hook
would have to be rather smarter than it would seem at first glance to
detect and allow renames without content modification.
The literal file names are composed of a date and a sequence number, and
like the contents of the files, the names should never change. The core
data-set directory structure (trunk, maybe) will most likely be
calendar-like (years->months->days->sequence->file). The analysis tools
and meta-data will probably be kept in a separate fossil[1] repository.

[1]: http://www.fossil-scm.org/

The near-term goal is to maintain an indelible record of the physical
measurements of reality. Any analysis [of which, there will be plenty],
annotations, and other meta-data generation must not alter the
fundamental instrumentation data.

Given that, by "rename" do you mean a change of the literal file name
like what I tried to describe above, or are you referring to something
more like the file references, links, or pointers within the repository
[internal implementation], similar to David's use of the term "rename"
(included below)?

Yes, he and I are referring to the same thing. The file contents are not copied, which is your primary goal.

    David Chapman      dcchap...@acm.org
    Chapman Consulting -- San Jose, CA
    Software Development Done Right.

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