On 9/12/2016 7:12 AM, Tom Sorensen wrote:

Hello –

I am a self taught Subversion administrator. I hope I am posting to the correct place. I am moving a subversion repository from Linux to Windows.

I performed the dump command on the Linux machine and copied the resulting repository. dump file to the windows machine. On the windows machine I created an empty repository via a subversion Edge console. I then performed the load command from a command line prompt. The repository loaded but the ‘author’ on all folders have the same person’s name assigned. For example jbrown is the author throughout the entire repository. Some time ago I had a test repository and performed the same as above and all of the resulting ‘authors’ were correctly loaded.

I have reviewed the subversion website, but haven’t seen anything on this. Can you help?

Are you asking about files within the repository directory tree on the server, e.g. revision files? It is typical for them to be created by a server process and thus be owned by the user ID for that process. I host my repositories on Linux using the "http://"; access method, and all files within the repository have the user ID "apache". The user IDs of the committing developers are stored within the repository data structures for each revision, so I can still determine who committed each revision. If I loaded a dump file under Windows, I'd expect all revisions to be created with my user ID, not "apache". (I don't have multiple accounts on my Windows machines, so I can't test this.)

If you were using the "file://" method for repository access then I can see how individual revisions would be owned by the committing developers, but this is not the recommended method of hosting a multi-user Subversion repository. If you were not using the "file://" method, I'd tend to look at ownership of repository files by different user IDs as a bug, or at best a quirk - not the expected or "only correct" result.

If I misunderstood your question please list the files which have surprising ownership.

    David Chapman      dcchap...@acm.org
    Chapman Consulting -- San Jose, CA
    Software Development Done Right.

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