The convention on this E-mail list is not to top-post, because it is more difficult to follow the thread. Thanks.

On 9/13/2016 7:45 AM, Tom Sorensen wrote:

Hi –

Thank you for returning my email. To answer your question in the first sentence, yes, I am talking about the files within the repository tree. Let me first explain that the current repository is

running on Linux. I access the repository through TortoiseSVN on my workstation using the link that connects me to the repository on the Linux machine such as, https://pathtorepository/

Below is an example of the TortoiseSVN repository display header.

File Extension Revision Author Size Date

Accounting App 70 jjones 01/01/2012

Budget App 135 bsmith 04/16/1996

InventoryApp 16                   tfoxworth          03/22/2001

When I create the dump file, I do so by directly logging into the Linux machine. From the command line, I do the following;

$svnadmin dump /app/svn/csvn/data/repositories/nameofrepository –r 7500 > prod1.dump

The prod1.dump file is create and I have a sys admin copy it to the Windows machine. I create an empty repository on the Windows machine using subversion edge(collabnet) administration console. I then perform the svnadmin load command. (I don’t remember the exact syntax but I use force uuid). The load is successful and when I open the repository using TortoiseSVN on the Windows machine, all of the Author’s names, in all the folders and sub folders, in all revisions are the same, such as bsmith. Each time I do this, the Author’s name will change, but the effect is the same. All of the Author’s names in all of the directories and sub directories contain the same name. I’d like to keep the Author’s names as they are displayed in the repository before the move.


At one time I had used a repository that was on a dev box, one that I used for experimentation. I was able to load the entire repository without having to do the latest revision. Everything

displayed as expected. I tried to do a full dump of the production instance but the resulting dump file was so large that I ran out of room. I also tried to dump it to a zip file, but didn’t have

much luck.

When I talked about "repository files", I was referring to the back end files managed by the server (which are read by "svnadmin dump" and written by "svnadmin load"). You are talking about the front end display in TortoiseSVN, which is a separate product on top of Subversion.

Someone (not me) on the Subversion E-mail list might know the answer to your question, but you should probably ask on the TortoiseSVN E-mail list. Good luck.

    David Chapman
    Chapman Consulting -- San Jose, CA
    Software Development Done Right.

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