On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 4:05 PM Davor Josipovic <dav...@live.com> wrote:

> I have finally found the culprit. By coincidence, I had the same
> configuration running on two servers, one backed with a SSD, the other with
> a HDD.
> The same commit worked on the SSD-backed server, and always failed on the
> HDD one with the described error.
> Monitoring the process revealed that after the file transfer of the commit
> completes, server starts finalizing. Not sure what exactly happens during
> that period serverside (maybe someone can explain?), but for a 40k files
> commit, it took the SSD-backed one to complete in about 30 seconds, while
> the HDD-backed one struggled more than 30 minutes. During those 30 minutes,
> the client got no response, so it timed out, which resulted in the
> described error on the server side.

Now that is interesting. 40k doesn't seem to be such a large amount of data
for modern computers. Very slow and fragmented hard drive? Or perhaps
there's something else going on that is manifesting this way?

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