On 04.11.2018 17:47, Branko Čibej wrote:
> On 04.11.2018 17:06, Thorsten Schöning wrote:
>> Guten Tag Thorsten Schöning,
>> am Sonntag, 4. November 2018 um 16:42 schrieben Sie:
>>> Others have the same problem and while it is true that GitHub might
>>> have implemented something on their own, it might help to have a look
>>> at the changes between 1.10 and 1.11 regarding the protocol.
>> Guess I found it:
>>>    * Better error when http:// URL is not a Subversion repository (r1825302)
>>>       /* Bail out early if we're not talking to a DAV server.
>>>          Note that this check is only valid if we've received a success
>>>          response; redirects and errors don't count. */
>>>       if (opt_ctx->handler->sline.code >= 200
>>>           && opt_ctx->handler->sline.code < 300
>>>           && !opt_ctx->received_dav_header)
>>>         {
>>>           return svn_error_createf
>>>              _("The server at '%s' does not support the HTTP/DAV protocol"),
>>>              session->session_url_str);
>>>         }
>> "received_dav_header" is only set at one place, isn't that check
>> wrong? The code handles more than only DAV successfully from my point
>> of view:
> I'm not sure what you mean by "handles more than only DAV successfully"
> ... this code only checks if we received any DAV: header in the response
> to the OPTIONS request, no more and no less. HTTP/DAV and Subversion's
> HTTP protocol use that for capability negotiation at the start of a session.
> And yes, the HTTP/DAV specification requires that header to be present
> in the response.

FWIW, the fix could be as simple as GitHub's server returning something like

    DAV: http://github.com/fake-svn-server

in their response headers ...

-- Brane

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