On 05.11.2018 18:27, Thorsten Schöning wrote:
> Guten Tag Ryan Schmidt,
> am Montag, 5. November 2018 um 04:45 schrieben Sie:
>> I'd be interested to know the resolution, since I use the GitHub
>> svn bridge daily. I'll hold off on upgrading past Subversion 1.10.x
>> for now but could you keep us informed about what GitHub does to solve this?
> Support of GitHub answered:
>> Thanks to your report our engineers are investigating the situation.
>> I don't have an ETA for a fix but we'll keep you updated.

Has there been any further update from them on this issue?

In the meantime, I created this:


It contains a patch for the Subversion client that hacks around GitHub's
bug, but it's a very messy hack indeed and I would prefer to not have it
in our code.

-- Brane

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