Den mån 20 mars 2023 kl 19:04 skrev Xsawer xsawer <>:

> Hi,
> thank you for quick response.
> I would say this is kind of gray zone.
> I don't want svn:ignore to be inherited to all the subfolders. Not at all.
> For what svn:global-ignores would be then?
> I only think when something is inherited then it is automatically applied.
> What else would be the meaning of word "inheritance"?
> In my eyes parameter --show-inherited-props should only list properties
> which are really inherited.

I see your point. However it might be difficult to know what properties are
actually "inherited". For the Subversion reserved properties that exist
within the client's version we will know (for a 1.8 client, only
svn:auto-props and svn:global-ignores). But the properties are not limited
to the predefined property names and it will be impossible to know if a
property is intended to be applied to just one folder or if it should be
applied to child items. For example TortoiseSVN defines a couple of
properties in the tsvn:* namespace which are truly inherited (ie applied to
all child items). If I set these using TortoiseSVN, then view the
repository using the command line client, I would like to see them. Then we
have the properties which people will invent themselves and possibly use in
different ways to automate things.

> Documentation here says:
> ...the patterns found in the svn:ignore property apply only to the
> directory on which that property is set, and not to any of its
> subdirectories.
> On the other hand svn proplist --help says:
> --show-inherited-props   : retrieve properties set on parents of the target
> Not a word about inheritance.

Maybe the --show-inherited-props was a poorly chosen name? Unfortunately I
think it will be very difficult to change it now without breaking things
(and we are not even close to Adding
--show-truly-inherited-svn-props might be helpful, but it will eventually
show different things depending on the version of the client (as Subversion
learns about new inherited properties in future versions) and it will never
show inherited properties defined by other clients (and end users).

Kind regards,

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