Let me invite you to try and use the public Tapestry 
based application I have been developing for a while and my company SourceLabs 
supports and hosts
  * search for Java artifacts by name or content (class and package names);
 * ready to download links to jar files, and source and javadoc archives when 
 * auto generated snippets to include into Maven or Ant build files;
 * info panel about artifacts: origins, licenses, etc;
 * JarDiff jar comparer tool to tell the exact differences between two Java 
 * Dependencies 'shopping cart' allows generating Ant and Maven build files 
based its content;
 * Dependencies report that lists all the jars in the selection plus additional 
 * On-line services exposed via Hessian protocol:
  * simple search;
  * MD5 search;
 * Client side JarSetAnalyzer tool to analyze existing jar files and report 
meta-information about them: for example for anonymous dom4j.jar file the tool 
can tell that it is the version 1.5.1 and that version 1.6 update is available, 
it will also report applicable licenses.  JarSetAnalyzer can be also used to 
check if all the used jar files were not altered;
 Those features are only tiny subset of all intended features outlined in the 
project roadmap:
 The project has been inspired by CPAN, PyPI, Pear, Gentoo, and other 
repositories which serve well to the communities, and only Java lacks a central 
repository from where we can reliably get necessary artifacts. The CJAR has the 
ambitious goal of becoming The Java Repository and therefore it depends on 
community acceptance, transparency and feature completeness.
 Please look at the beta, try to use it, and send us feedback so we can improve 
the tool and it can better serve Java community at large. You are welcome to 
use form in the CJAR
 or send us email, or edit SWIK pages, whichever is convenient for you.



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