And Swing can support any kind of layout managers but I have found 
GridBagLayout to be very flexible and good for nearly everything I do with 

Therefore I think it does not make sense to try (re)creating Swing in browsers. 
Applets is what we really need :).

Norbert S�ndor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:The good thing in GWT is to use the 
efficient development style of Swing 
(I mean Java only, easy to debug/test) but allow to use the underlying 
browser's HTML+CSS capatibilites for layout.

Konstantin Ignatyev

PS: If this is a typical day on planet earth, humans will add fifteen million 
tons of carbon to the atmosphere, destroy 115 square miles of tropical 
rainforest, create seventy-two miles of desert, eliminate between forty to one 
hundred species, erode seventy-one million tons of topsoil, add 2,700 tons of 
CFCs to the stratosphere, and increase their population by 263,000

Bowers, C.A.  The Culture of Denial:  Why the Environmental Movement Needs a 
Strategy for Reforming Universities and Public Schools.  New York:  State 
University of New York Press, 1997: (4) (5) (p.206)

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