"Epstein, Ezra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 07/07/2006 20:20:23:

> This is why I deplore mailing lists.  They are so 1983.  Why don't
> all teams follow Hibernate's (and others) lead and choose a simple
> Forum (phpBB in the case of Hibernate).  It (like google/yahoo
> groups) is free, keeps all the old posts, is automatically topically
> "threaded", is entirely searchable, if you're addicted to email you
> can get posts as emails or, if you prefer, receive daily digests.
> Why would anyone continue to use an outdated technology like an email

Ezra you are not the first person to ask this question, Apache has always
used, and will continue to use, mailinglists to manage, record and
distribute postings.

You are free to use mirrors like gmane to access the content but with
millions of messages handled per day it is extremely unlikely that we will
choose to replace a technology which works and works well for the core


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