Ah. You have got me there, I've failed to provide explicit function calls
for cancel/refresh. For now, you can call:

tapestry.form.submit("your form name/id", "cancel");

So, if your rendered page had a form element that looked like: <form
name="MyTapForm" method="POST"> , the script would be:

tapestry.form.submit("MyTapForm", "cancel");

I will provide specific function calls for cancel/refresh before officially
releasing though, thank you for reminding me.

As for the form.events logic, I don't plan on providing backwards compatible
support for it unless there is a very compelling reason to modify native js
objects. I could go into a big tirade about it if anyone is interested but
will save the list from it unless prompted.

The memory footprint required to to display forms (for the browser) should
now be much smaller. Not important for the majority of users but very
important for some.

(P.S., You can see most of the new form related functions here:

On 7/13/06, Jun Tsai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In Tapestry 4.0.2,I use onClick="javascript:this.form.events.cancel
after I upgrade to 4.1,I find the method doesn't work?

How to ?


Welcome to China Java Users Group(CNJUG).

Jesse Kuhnert
Tacos/Tapestry, team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around

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