Thanks a lot, but I have a question again: To what, the id in the module
tag, refer? Is it the name of my context? is it app? is it the package where
something (what?) is store? Same question for the version.

Thanks anyway


2006/7/20, Geoff Callender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


No need to touch hivemind.xml.  Add a file called hivemodule.xml to
WEB-INF, with content similar to this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<module id="jumpstart" version="1.0.0" package="jumpstart.web">

        <!--  ServiceLocator and Visit -->

        <contribution configuration-id="tapestry.state.ApplicationObjects
                <state-object name="serviceLocator" scope="application">
                        <create-instance class="

        <contribution configuration-id="tapestry.state.ApplicationObjects
                <state-object name="visit" scope="session">
                        <create-instance class="jumpstart.web.base.Visit


In that example, ServiceLocator performs a similar function to the
typical Global.  Visit is just like the old Visit.  Note that the
scope of ServiceLocator is "application" and the scope of Visit is

Here's an example of them being referenced in a page:

        public abstract ServiceLocator getServiceLocator();

        // Can't call it getVisit() because it conflicts with a deprecated
IPage method
        public abstract Visit getMyVisit();

Hope this helps.


On 20/07/2006, at 7:58 PM, Blackwings wrote:

> Hi,
> I found in the document what is the line to add into hivemind.xml
> file to
> create an ASO since getGlobal is deprecated. But I didn't find a
> standard"
> hivemind.xml file and I have no idea what is mandatory to put in. I
> just
> want to declare my ASO object to be able to inject it in my page.
> So, where can I find a standard hivemind.xml or what do I have to
> put in to
> still have my application working normally?
> Thanks
> BW

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