On 7/20/06, Geoff Callender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Others might chime in because I'm no expert on this, but this what I
believe to be true...

- The module id and version can be arbitrary.  However, to avoid name
clashes you can use the id as a qualifier, eg.

        @InjectState("jumpstart: serviceLocator")

Sorry, this isn't true. As ASOs are typically defined by the
application and rarely if every defined by a library, the extra effort
for segmenting the ASO namespace did not appear to be worthwhile (in
fact, would be a negative, since it would subject users to pain
without reward).  Thus the ASO namespace is flat, and you'll see
errors if you configure more than one ASO with the same name,
regardless of module.

By contract, the namespace for libraries is rich and nested ... and
confusing, and ambiguous, and overkill (just as "The Other Geoff").

Blackwings would always inject @InjectState("serviceLocator"),
regardless of what id he gives his module.

Howard M. Lewis Ship
Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
Creator and PMC Chair, Apache Tapestry
Creator, Jakarta HiveMind

Professional Tapestry training, mentoring, support
and project work.  http://howardlewisship.com

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