That is one of the reasons.  There are others.

In my company we have many (possibly upwords of twenty) web projects going
at any one time in various stages of development.  The ability for a
developer from one project to move to, and be productive in, another project
as priority and resources demand is critical.

With this in mind we simply wouldn't be able move new projects to newer
versions of Tapestry even if we could spend the ramp up time learning the
new framework as we couldn't get everybody on the same page.  Could you
imagine being on a Tap4 project for several months, then moving to a Tap3
project for several more, and later getting onto a new project with the
latest Tap5.  Just keeping it all straight would drive the average person

On 7/28/06, Jason Dyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Because, a company that has invested a year or more, developing an app is
probably going to want to use it for a little while.  Over the lifetime of
enterprise app, it will undoubtedly need modification (both bug fixes and
added features.)

When Tapestry 5 arrives, we can safely assume that Tapestry 4 development
stop fairly shortly thereafter (new features immediately, maybe bug fixing
will go on for a year or two, but that's nothing compared to the lifetime
a large app.)  Then there's the fact that, right now it's difficult enough
find people with skill in T4, but in a couple of years it'll be
because most people will have moved on to T5...

If the migration to T5 requires what basically amounts to a rewrite and T4
no longer maintainable, then the 'powers that be' at said company are
to be a little irate that they've invested so much time/money into
that ultimately didn't last very long.  In fact, they'll probably be
for heads to roll...

On Friday 28 July 2006 18:48, adasal wrote:
> Seems I am wrong in my earlier post.
> Emm, but there is a lot of discussion around the need for compatibility.
> Why is it so desirable, it seems to posit a large ongoing project that
> spans both 4 and 5. Why would such a project need to hook up to 5?
> Adam


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Steven Bell

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