liigo wrote:
> tapestry is a open source project.
> before you requires others do or not do something, think what you have
> done for it.
> don't selfish
It'll be selfish keeping my opinions for myself instead of sharing them.
I doubt this discussion aimed to be one about what open source is or
means. This certainly isn't a thread to collect "requirements", so I
hope I wasn't misunderstood when sharing my thoughts about things I like
or not like to see in future versions. Hopefully one doesn't need to
start each sentence with "I wished Tapestry could probably..." as it
seemed clear to me that committers decide anyway.
The point however is that this thread certainly intends that the user
base shares opinions in order not to overlook things or the user base.
Basically what the user base of any open source project can do is to use
 the software, be active on mailing lists and suggest it's future use.
Something that happend a lot in the past 2 years (since March 2004, so I
know my share...), but this also should mean some kind of responsibilty
for the project not leaving people alone after adoption. Offering a
migration path is something most people on this list obviously would
appreciate at least.
In the end, suggesting Tapestry's use to customers means more people
having Tapestry know-how, buying Tapestry books, being more active on
the list, probably even bug fixing or committing code and spreading the
whole thing.

Hoping to read more arguments pro Tapestry5 when asked,

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