Hi all,

I have just released the latest version of BeanForm, a single-line POJO
editor component:

span jwcid="@bf:BeanForm" bean="ognl:pojo" save="listener:save"

The above line of code gets you a form that:

   * calls your page's save() method when submitted for save
   * calls your page's delete() method when submitted for delete
   * gives you a TextField for each of the bean's string and numerical
   * gives you a Checkbox for each of the bean's boolean properties
   * gives you a DatePicker for each of the bean's date properties
   * automatically disables fields for read-only properties

If you are using Java Persistence API (EJB3) annotations and/or Hibernate
Validator annotations, the BeanForm component also:

   * infers validation strings for annotated properties
   * uses TextAreas instead of TextFields for annotated string properties
whose maximum length is over 255 characters

Some other important features:

   * EJB3 and Hibernate Validator support is optional and enabled
automatically at runtime only when appropriate
   * you can use a BeanForm inside a Form component, in which case the
BeanForm will not emit a second form tag
   * you can explicitly specify which properties to display, as well as
their validation strings
   * when specifying properties explicitly, they may be recursive ("
person.address.city.name", for example)
   * you can override the input components used to edit properties
   * support for canceling and refreshing forms
   * support for localization

Starting with version 0.4, BeanForm should work with both Tapestry 4.0 and
Tapestry 4.1.
I should also note that starting with version 0.4, BeanForm requires the
tapestry-prop library, available at

Give it a whirl and let me know if you have any problems, comments or

Take care,

Daniel Gredler

Homepage: http://beanform.sourceforge.net/
Component Reference:
Change History: http://beanform.sourceforge.net/changes-report.html

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