I think the "exclude" parameter sounds like a good idea, it would probably
be very useful for prototyping or admin screens where you're more worried
about your time than property display order.

The edit vs view toggle I'm not so sure about, mainly because I want to make
sure the component stays relatively lean and the API doesn't get too
cluttered. For example, a user recently requested a way to make all
read-only properties use an Insert component, rather than the current
behavior of disabling the input component they receive. In the end, rather
than add a new parameter to BeanForm, I decided to make it easier to
override the input component used for specific properties, and to make the
Insert component one of the options. It's a little harder for his specific
needs, as he has to list his bean properties and assign Insert components to
the read-only properties, but it's a generic solution that's "easy enough"
for him and doesn't force other people to learn another corner case when
they're first grokking the BeanForm API. Of course, I may be underestimating
the usefulness of this feature, in which case it's not a "corner case" at
all :-)

My gut reaction is that the generic solution described above is also "good
enough" for edit vs view toggling. You would have to list the properties to
display, but you could say:

<span jwcid="@bf:BeanForm" ...
... />

In the same vein I can see the title feature being useful, but I would want
to make it optional, which means Yet Another Parameter (YAP?). Of course, a
more generic solution would be to allow the user to dynamically contribute
bindings to some or all of the property input components. Now *that* would
float my boat. But how?

Anyway, those are my [longish] thoughts. Feel free to disagree.


PS - Martin, would you have time to send me a patch implementing the
"exclude" parameter? ;-) If not, I'll probably look at it eventually.

On 9/14/06, andyhot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Martin Strand wrote:
> Thanks.
> I just added a few minor things, nothing big:
> - "exclude" parameter to exclude properties rather than specifying
> which ones should be included
> - toggle between "edit" mode and "view" mode (view mode = no form
> components)
Both look useful. Perhaps they could get included?

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