I'm new to Tapestry and have just started working with it.  My background is 
WebObjects so
most of my question will come from that perspective.

The application I'm developing will be doing some background processing with 
the UI providing
monitoring and control functions.  In WebObjects, we would use an single 
Application instance 
that is created when the web application is first started. We would store the 
objects required to 
access and control the back ground processing.  This Application instance is 
then available in
in each request-response loop through a Session object, or through a global 
static method.

Is this same model provided by the ApplicationServlet class in Tapestry?  Is 
there a single instance
of this object and if so, how can I get it?  Is it common practice to subclass 
this class and
then do all your own application specific logic in the derived class?


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