Thanx, but I am using:

public Format getCurrencyFormat() {
 Locale l = getPage().getEngine().getLocale();
return new NumberTranslatorFormat( NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance( l ) );

the NumberTranslatorFormat is a custom format which devides or multiplies the numbers, but is delegating formatting to the given CurrencyFormat.



Christian Haselbach wrote:
Zitat von Ron Piterman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

The € is comming from the java currency format object:

Just a guess. You are using a number format without specifying
the locale. Hence, the default locale for your platform is
used which propably includes the encoding latin9. The code
which denotes the euro symbol in latin9 denotes the currency
symbol in latin1 and (IIRC) in UTF-8. Thus, you see the currency
symbol, not the expected euro symbol.


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