I'm using Tapestry 4.1 and I can't get a async form submit to work as I
would like.

What I want is that when the user clicks on the submit button a javascript
confirm window pops up and the user confirms his decision to submit the form
or not.

If he clicks the "Cancel" button I don't want any kind of submit to occur.
Only if he confirms the submit should take place.

Here is the html for my submit button.

<span jwcid="boton" value="Boton Submit" id="submit1"/>

<script type="text/javascript">

dojo.event.connect(dojo.byId("submit1"), "onclick", function(e) {

if (!confirm('Are you sure?')) {


return false;


return true;



But this doesn't work. Can anybody tell me how to do this? Or at least an
idea of what I need to read to do this?



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