Yeah, that is more sinister.

Try dropping a lambdaprobe.war in your container and watching what
happens to your app as you serve up N pages.

It isn't as detailed as JProbe or anything like that, but you'll be up
and running in 5 minutes and it may give you a better overview of your
runtime environment and any resource constraints you may unknowingly


-----Original Message-----
From: Arjan Verstoep [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2007 8:15 AM
To: Tapestry users
Subject: Re: OutOfMemoryError after serving N pages

> We had the same thing, and in our case it was related to a small
> Space setting in our Tomcat container.
> My understanding of the Sun JVM is that it partitions up its allocated
> memory into heap, perm gen, etc. chunks and that the Perm Gen space is
> where all "meta data" about classes gets stored.  In "modern" JEE
> programming with all the CGLIB and just-in-time abstract class
> & instantiation, the Perm Gen space tends to blow up quicker.
> Anyway, try throwing a -XX:MaxPermSize=256m on your JVM startup and
> if that helps.
> Note: if you're actually running out of PermGen space, you'll see a
> reference to that in your OOME.  If you are just getting plain old
> OOMEs, it sounds like something more sinister.
> HTH,
> Tom
My JVM is complaining about heap space, so I fear that it is something 

   10:36:23,289 ERROR [MusiController4]:253 - Servlet.service() for 
servlet MusiController4 threw exception
   java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

~Arjan Verstoep

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