Hello everybody,

I'm a beginner with Tapestry (and T5), and test it as a possible
framework for a futur application. 

I have tested T5 for 3 days and for now, I'm really impressed by it. But
I came to my first real problem (all others are related with the lack of
documentation, which is quite normal for an alpha release).

My application deals with LDAP directories, so I need to managed tree
structures all the time. But I saw that recursive component are not
allowed in T5, I think it is due to the "Principal 1 -- Static
Structure" of T5.

So, my question is : is there a way of implementing recursive
component ? If not, is there an existing component implementing a
non-recursive tree walk ? And if not, have you some advices about doing
such a component in T5 (say I know an algorithm for non-recursive tree
walk, what are the best practice in T5 ?)

Thanks you for your work, it's already quite impressive, and I hope it
will continue in this path. 

A last remark from a new tapestry(ies ?) user : it's a bit disturbing to
have 3 or 4 version of tapestry cohabiting, compatible or perhaps
It's a pain to find valid information, or just to find where to look.
Ok, Tapestry already has a (great) history, but T5 is something really
new, different and exiting. I think it would be great that T5 will be
clearly presented as that, with its own user list, community, wiki, etc,
and not as just a new version of an old framework (even if this old
framework was a breakthrough one, because t5 is a new breakthrough,
isn't it ?) 
But well, it's just my user point of view ;)


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