I know this isn't strictly Tapestry related, but since there has been a lot of
discussion here over the years related to integrating Hibernate with Tapestry, 
I was
hoping I could draw on the community knowledge about this topic and get a little
advice.  My apologies if this has been discussed before, I did extensive 
before posting but still might have missed something.

My specific dilemma at the moment is how to implement session-per-request with
detached objects in a thread-safe manner.  Chapter 8 of the _Hibernate in 
book discusses the issues of detached objects and thread safety.  It gives the
example of a user submitting a form twice, and I can think of several other
scenarios which would cause two or more threads to access the HttpSession
simultaneously.  The book suggests a few solutions to this problem: rejecting
additional requests if one is currently processing, serializing all requests 
the same user by synchronizing on the HttpSession in a servlet filter, and 
maintaining a map of session information to separate windows in a multi-window

None of these solutions seem to be workable in my situation.  We are making
extensive use of assets for all of our images and CSS files, so there really is 
static content in our application; every request is going to be serviced by the
servlet.  The first two solutions aren't practical as even loading my 
login page will open at least 4 concurrent requests (two CSS files, several 
the HTML document, etc.) and if these requests are serialized I am of the 
that this will noticeably impact perceived performance of the application and 
impact scalability in the long run.  The final solution (mapping between 
doesn't solve the issue of users opening multiple tabs or windows as each window
will have the same name/identifier.

So, I'm struggling to come up with a solution to this that doesn't require me to
abandon detached objects.  I have an idea for a solution, but it seems 
and I was hoping to get some suggestions or feedback on this.

My idea is to explicitly synchronize only the sections of the code in my request
action handlers that have to work with the potentially shared detached objects. 
plan is to synchronize either on a mutex object, or one of the detached 
objects, and
within the synchronized block update() the detached object, perform my model
manipulations, commit the transaction, close the session, then end the lock.  It
would still be possible for more than one thread to share a given detached 
but this would prevent my code from attempting to attach the object(s) to more 
one session simultaneously.

(As an aside, I looked at the Tapernate code, since it includes persistence
strategies that use Hibernate detached objects.  However, unless I'm missing
something, it doesn't seem to be taking thread safety of detached objects into
account at all, which I find curious.)

Can someone with a little more experience with this sort of thing give me some
advice on this?  Does my approach above sound workable, or is there something 
that some of you are already doing?  Should I just forget about detached 
objects and
squeeze/unsqueeze my entities down to identifers and retrieve them anew on each
request?  Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated...

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