On 9/17/07, Thiago H de Paula Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have an user that has a number of roles (GrantedAuthority instances),
> one of them named "Admin". When I annotate a page class with
> @Secured("Admin"), Acegi denies access to the page. I have just tried the
> same page, with the same annotation, now with an user with just one
> GrantedAuthority, "Admin". Now Acegi happily gives me access to the page.
> Does that mean that each user must have exactly one role (aka
> GrantedAuthority) in order to use the @Secured annotation?

No, you should be able to have an arbitrary length of roles. How does
your public GrantedAuthority[] getAuthorities() from your user
UserDetails look?


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