On 9/17/07, Thiago H de Paula Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After some hours trying to figure out what mistake I have been doing, I've
> found it! Using the default configuration, Acegi only takes into account
> roles prefixed with "ROLE_"!!! Acegi's Javadoc states that here:
> http://www.acegisecurity.org/acegi-security/apidocs/org/acegisecurity/vote/RoleVoter.html.


> Now everything works like a charm! It's amazingly simple to just add or
> change an annotation, reload the page and being allowed or denied to view
> the page! Kudos to Howard (for Tapestry 5) and Robin (tapestry5-acegi) for
> such amazing work and support!!! :)

Thanks, and I also thank Ivan that wrote most of the initial code.

> Robin: what about having a warning in tapestry5-acegi docs about this
> error I've had?

Yeah, that might be a good idea, I'll take a mental note about it :)


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