
In my Page I have a property User, and I want to directly populate the value of the form to the bean User

class User{
 private String name;
 private String surName;
 .... getters ans setters .....

class Start{
  private User user;
  .... getters and setters ....

Start.html :
||||<||input|| ||t||:||type||=||"||TextField||"|| ||t||:||id||=||"||user.name||"|| ||t||:||value||=||"||user.name||"/> ||||<||input|| ||t||:||type||=||"||TextField||"|| ||t||:||id||=||"||user.surName||"|| ||t||:||value||=||"||user.surName||"/>|||| <||input|| ||t||:||id||=||"||submitform||"|| ||t||:||type||=||"||Submit||"|| ||t||:||value||=||"||submit||" />

But It seems that it does not work this way and I get an error message : User is not an embedded component...

Do you think I'll have to build my own component :

<t:beanField bean="user" property="name" value="user.name" />

Or is there another way to do this without using the beanEditForm ?

Michael Courcy

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