Dear list - specifically all those having successful access control implementations,

I'd like to poll you for how you did it. Not so much the action of authentication, but more so how access is monitored and restricted. This is a well-known problem in general, but I've yet to see a satisfactory and pluggable implementation. First, the basic details:

A user can have one or more roles, and roles determine what that user can and can't do/see/access. As I said, this is a well-known problem and there's even an existing library for the task: tapestry-acegi.

The good thing about tapestry-acegi is its 2 simple components. The make perfect sense and make integration feel smooth and water-tight (ie, not leaky). The bad things are: 1) The documentation is basically non-existent and I have no idea how to get it set up. Using the components is a no brainer - its the infrastructure that loses me. 2) It requires foreknowledge of acegi. Ok, so I checked out those docs, which led me to: 3) Acegi docs explicitly state that knowledge of spring is required, so you must first know (or learn) that.

That's where I draw the line. If you've read many posts from me, you may know that while I've been developing in Java for about 6 years I've specifically avoided using it for web because I've never felt it "had it together." Yes its capable, but its been overly complex and fragmented. Yes there are open source options but none of them, including struts and spring, have been enough to convince me that investing my time in learning them was worth it. This changed when I started toying with tapestry and its perspective of development (so this probably includes wicket, web objects, and prado).

I'm not bashing tapestry-acegi by any means. In fact I commend, thank, and cite in code the project as I used the idea of the IfLoggedIn component. It's both simple and elegant - but it requires knowledge that I don't have am not convinced is worth my having.

So... what are any of you other ambitious T5ers using for this? Packaged tools? Home grown? I'm home growing one at the moment (specific to a project) and would love to share, but I want to know what anyone else is doing to solve this classic problem.


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