On Jan 6, 2008 10:29 AM, Chris Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I remember reading in the acegi docs that it was possible to swap-out
> the usage of spring. I feel like you'll find it's not too difficult to
> do. I realize I say this out of ignorance but T5 IoC is quite easy to
> get your head around, and as you know your way around spring and acegi...
> Anyway, thanks for the input and do let me know how you find it.

My acegi package tapestry5-acegi, doesn't require any knowledge or
explicit use of spring. Yes, acegi uses spring internally, but it's
completely transparent from the developer if they choose not to use

As far as the documentation is lacking, I agree, but there should be
enought information on the wiki and webpage to get you started.



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