I understand - I have looked through the tapestry-acegi wiki and the site, and they only talk about the T5 side (where as you agreed that the docs are lacking, your are right in that they are sufficient). Where I'm lost is how to set up acegi, how its invocations work, what the schema requirements are, how its loaded, etc etc. The acegi site clearly says spring can be removed from acegi, but it basically says that would be dumb, and of course says you must know spring to follow the docs. That's seems a bit circular. Of course the response could be that I'm too lazy to learn spring and perhaps that'd be somewhat water proof. I'd word it by saying I have no legitimate need and zero interest in learning spring - I want access control, not another ioc container. Let me close by clarifying my tone as I've been told I come across as harsh. I am not bashing spring, acegi, or the tapestry integration. What I am saying is that as a developer with no use for spring, using the t5 acegi module appears to be a bad choice for me as I do not know acegi at all, and learning it, by way of transitive dependencies, requires me to learn spring.


Robin Helgelin wrote:
On Jan 6, 2008 10:29 AM, Chris Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I remember reading in the acegi docs that it was possible to swap-out
the usage of spring. I feel like you'll find it's not too difficult to
do. I realize I say this out of ignorance but T5 IoC is quite easy to
get your head around, and as you know your way around spring and acegi...
Anyway, thanks for the input and do let me know how you find it.

My acegi package tapestry5-acegi, doesn't require any knowledge or
explicit use of spring. Yes, acegi uses spring internally, but it's
completely transparent from the developer if they choose not to use

As far as the documentation is lacking, I agree, but there should be
enought information on the wiki and webpage to get you started.


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