Thanks for your help, but so far no joy:

Quoting 9902468 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

And of course, check that you have Hibernate and hibernate annotation in your >libraries, they are NOT included automatically by maven if maven is used.

The libraries appear in my repository and appear under "sources" in the Eclipse Run Configuration.

Tapestry should be quite verbose about hibernate if tapestry is configured to
run in debug mode:


I placed -Dtapestry.production-mode=false on the command line, which, according to the docs, does the same thing.

I see no output about Hibernate at all. It never gets mentioned...

Also see that your entities are in correct place (same root package as pages
and components, in entities package.)


looks ok to me.

Also perhaps use org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect to support foreign
keys? (Change to hibernate config.)

You should be able to see that Hibernate starts in the logs and maps User
etc. classes.

Remember to configure your Log4J or what ever logging u use to debug.

I added some lines to to turn on hibernate logging ("debug"), but I see no output - just the usual Tapestry debug output that I've seen before.

I'm really stumped... :-( Hibernate never gets called and yet everything appears to be in place.


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