Further to this, I can see it can be done using two forms, but that isn't very nice.

As this is such a common requirement (and one that I used without problems in an application using Tapestry 3) I am somewhat surprised that there are no examples offered as to how to do this in Tapestry 5.

Further information would be much appreciated.



Quoting Ulrich Stärk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Do a form submit upon selecting something in the first dropdown, then
render the second dropdown according to the selection made. And vote for

Thanks, but I must be doing something wrong as I cannot get this to
work (ignore the fact I have only one select dropdown on here for now):

                <form t:type="form">
                        Name Space: <select 
t:id="tagSelect" t:type="select" t:model="nsBases" t:value="nsBase"
t:encoder="nsBases" t:blankOption="NEVER"></select>
                        <input type="submit" value="Search"/>


        void onSelectedFromTagSelect()

How can I tell the submit comes from the select?  I thought this would
have worked but...?

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