Em Wed, 08 Oct 2008 16:09:22 -0300, Alex Kotchnev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

I've never tried to do this on my own yet, but I'm just wondering : is it
hard to step outside of T5 as a framework and do the same w/ just plain AJAX (e.g. an XHR request through prototype, JSON coming back and populating the second select with the right values) ?

You could try t5components' OnEvent mixin:

Or would this somehow mess up the
state of the form ?

I don't think so, as you're not changing its structure, just its data, and form data will be changed by the user anyways. :)

Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Independent Java consultant, developer, and instructor
Consultor, desenvolvedor e instrutor em Java

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