Gabriel Rodriguez wrote:
When Tapestry 5 produces HTML from my TMLs it's removing the "/" from the end 
of my empty tags, leaving them unclosed and causing rendering problems on the browser. Is 
this by design? Is there a setting that needs to be changed?
What exactly is your problem, on which tags ?
If your problem is linked to unclosed <li>, <br>, (so, Tapestry produce HTML 4 compatible markups), and if you want to produce valid XHTML, you will have to set-up Doctype according to (Template Doctypes )

BUT, you may hit and want to look to

If it's something else, it may actually be a new bug :)

Hope it will help,

Francois Armand
Etudes & Développements J2EE
Groupe Linagora -
Tél.: +33 (0)1 58 18 68 28
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