But we did put them into a component library. :)

The thing is that we had to change how a normal PageLink/EventLink works to be able to integrate with Facebook properly..

But in general, if I bring in a component library, but need to override a component, how can I do that..

without you saying, create a brand new uniquely named component. :)

---- digression

in a way, it's kind of like a PageLink decorator. I know that's what Mixins are for, but the the way that Mixins can get access to the parameters of the mixed in component is not robust enough.. random thought.

Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
Just chance.  I think it's very chancy to try to override T5's built
in components this way.  You should put them in a component library.
I'll be working on docs about how to do that shortly :-)

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 2:36 PM, Tom Zurkan
How can I guarantee that my LibraryMapping is going to override the Tapestry
Module LibraryMapping since the contribution's ordering is random?
I am contributing a componentClassResolver LibraryMapping with the path
prefix of "core" so that my library will be searched first for a component.
 This worked in Tapestry 5.11 but doesn't in 5.16.  Was it just by chance
that it worked before?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Tom Zurkan

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