Glassfish V2, based on a friend's response.

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 11:07 AM, Geoff Callender <> wrote:

> The PersistenceContext unitName is not the problem at this point.  It is
> used to map persistence of an entity to a datasource.  Your problem,
> however, is how to look up a session bean from a client. What EJB container
> are you using? JBoss 4.3? This is important because it will determine the
> format of the names of the session beans registered in JNDI.
> On 15/01/2009, at 12:30 AM, Sid Ferreira wrote:
>  OBS: I was going to send just for Geoff, but maybe someone else could know
>> the answer.
>> Im studing the EJB example but Im failing to make mine work.
>> Im trying to load ClientesUsuarioFacade or  ClientesUsuarioFacadeLocal (Im
>> newbie, got a challenge that can mean use T5 in my company and also my
>> personal projects).
>> In the example it is used "jumpstart/PersonService/local", and Ive noticed
>> that @PersistenceContext(unitName = "jumpstart") exists in the
>> PersonService
>> model, wich probably means unitname/modelname/type. In the EJBs provided
>> to
>> me, unitname isn't set, and the only way I found to make it work as
>> defining
>> th ejb in the xml and using the following functions:
>> static public UsuariosClienteFacadeLocalExt UsuariosCliente() throws
>> Exception{ try { Context c = new InitialContext(); return
>> (UsuariosClienteFacadeLocalExt)
>> c.lookup("java:comp/env/UsuariosClienteFacade"); } catch (Exception e) {
>> throw new Exception("FacadeLocator Failure"); } }
>> They are similars, but the address java:comp isn't friendly as the
>> another.
>> So, I want to find a way to make it easyer, being coding or blaming the
>> badly done EJB.
>> Thanks in advance
>> --
>> Sidney G B Ferreira
>> Desenvolvedor Web - Tibox Innovations
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Sidney G B Ferreira
Desenvolvedor Web - Tibox Innovations

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