How are the sesson beans annotated and interaced? eg. in JumpStart PersonService is like this:

public class PersonService implements IPersonServiceLocal, IPersonServiceRemote {

On 16/01/2009, at 12:11 AM, Sid Ferreira wrote:

Glassfish V2, based on a friend's response.

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 11:07 AM, Geoff Callender <> wrote:

The PersistenceContext unitName is not the problem at this point. It is
used to map persistence of an entity to a datasource.  Your problem,
however, is how to look up a session bean from a client. What EJB container are you using? JBoss 4.3? This is important because it will determine the
format of the names of the session beans registered in JNDI.

On 15/01/2009, at 12:30 AM, Sid Ferreira wrote:

OBS: I was going to send just for Geoff, but maybe someone else could know
the answer.

Im studing the EJB example but Im failing to make mine work.
Im trying to load ClientesUsuarioFacade or ClientesUsuarioFacadeLocal (Im newbie, got a challenge that can mean use T5 in my company and also my
personal projects).

In the example it is used "jumpstart/PersonService/local", and Ive noticed
that @PersistenceContext(unitName = "jumpstart") exists in the
model, wich probably means unitname/modelname/type. In the EJBs provided
me, unitname isn't set, and the only way I found to make it work as
th ejb in the xml and using the following functions:

static public UsuariosClienteFacadeLocalExt UsuariosCliente() throws
Exception{ try { Context c = new InitialContext(); return
c.lookup("java:comp/env/UsuariosClienteFacade"); } catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("FacadeLocator Failure"); } }

They are similars, but the address java:comp isn't friendly as the

So, I want to find a way to make it easyer, being coding or blaming the
badly done EJB.

Thanks in advance

Sidney G B Ferreira
Desenvolvedor Web - Tibox Innovations

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Sidney G B Ferreira
Desenvolvedor Web - Tibox Innovations

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