Yeah, you're right about that. 

Still I don't like the redirect-after-post for validation failures because it 
needs the form data to be persisted somehow between the two requests. We can 
solve it partially by using client-side persistence for simple data, but for 
complex object hierarchies, there is no way other than to persist to session. 
Session persistence is not something I'm very crazy about because it tends to 
introduce a number of problems.

For example, if a user opens Item A for editing in one browser tab, then 
without touching A, opens item B in another browser tab, item B just overwrote 
item A in session persisted property. So if he goes back to item A and edits 
and saves it, he will be saving item A content into item B. You can write a lot 
of hacky/boilerplate code to get around it, but it's not very elegant. 

Also, if we choose to disable redirect-after-post functionality all together, 
it makes it very hard to do a number of things in tapestry, I believe Howard 
warns about doing so here.

----- Original Message ----
From: nillehammer <>
To: Tapestry users <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 7:44:00 PM
Subject: Re: Implication of client side redirect

Hi Dave,

your message made me doubt and I immediately tried that out (on IE 6 and
FF 2). I was not able to reproduce, what you were implying. So I still
think that redirect after post solves the problem.

Regards nillehammer


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