Just got back last night from training in Madison WI. This was
primarily an intro to Tapestry 5 for Tapestry 4 developers (and a
couple of new-to-web-programming developers) and a lot of hands on pair
programming to get them going with their conversion work. It was a lot
of fun, and as usual, I learned a bit.
I have a couple of weeks respite now before OSCON which will be
followed with training in York, UK, then Estonia, then London.
I'm continuing to hold off on code changes to Tapestry 5, though I hit
enough minor annoyances that I'm considering a 5.1 bug fix release
before starting 5.2 in earnest.
I have a backlog of work related to Tapestry360 and then my main
emphasis is going to be Documentation, Screencasts, Articles,
Documentation and Documentation, plus some additional Documentation. It
may be a while before I start with new features for 5.2.

Posted By Howard to Tapestry Central at 6/12/2009 12:56:00 PM

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