Mainly because we had it already as standalone jar, and the time that I would
have had to use before having commit rights to ChenilleKit would have taken
too long. Busy schedule as you might guess.

Also I see this as more of an standalone thing, not necessarily as part of
the application framework thing you have going on. Of course, you're free to
use the provided code anyway you see fit ;)

Also I'll be updating that jar as part of my job, which unfortunately
dictates what I can do and what not when I'm using the office hours for open
source. The dream lives that I could work full time for the benefit of open
source software :) In the mean time though...

 - Ville

Sven Homburg wrote:
> Why invent the wheel again?
> I know and agree with you, that the chenillekit documentation is far away
> from being the big shot, but we invite everybody to contribute the project
> and share your time to create the real big one
> with regards
> Sven Homburg
> Founder of the Chenille Kit Project
> 2009/7/24 Ville Virtanen <>:
>> Hello everyone
>> we have used FCK editor for quite some time now with file uploading
>> capabilities, and we needed the same functionality in several clients
>> that
>> would have had to be kept separate due to licensing issues. Thus we
>> agreed
>> to make it publicly available and so we have to keep only one copy up to
>> date.
>> Currently the project lives in,
>> but
>> I hope that we get Tapestry 360 site soon. Also, are there any maven
>> repositories that would accept packages without much fuss? The using
>> would
>> be _much_ easier if the library was in a maven repository.
>> Anyway, here is short description of the project (I hope that you enjoy,
>> and
>> remember to give feedback.):
>> Easy Fck Editor is open source extension to Tapestry 5 that uses (as the
>> name implies) FCK Editor under it's hood to deliver easy richtext editor
>> component with file upload capabilities.
>> The main focus is to do everything Tapestry 5 way: you can work entirely
>> with the provided (and excellent I might add) IoC as developers are used
>> to.
>> Also the idea is to really provide such documentation that it is easy to
>> follow and understand. Easy Fck Editor aims to be simple to use and yet
>> provide good interface to aid in extending and securing Tapestry 5 based
>> rich editor needs.
>> Why? Doesn't ChenilleKit already have one?
>> Easy Fck Editor project started because the editor in ChenilleKit
>> couldn't
>> handle file uploads. Also I found that (at that time atleast) the
>> documentation was not on very good level. I also didn't need but a
>> fraction
>> of what ChennilleKit provided. For me, I would be more merrier if there
>> was
>> tiny bits that I can put together in the project pom, so that I could
>> "harvest" the libraries I need. This is also why I intent to package all
>> forthcoming Tapestry 5 extensions as separate jars where possible.
>> (CKEditor
>> should follow shortly.)
>>  - Ville
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> best regards
> Sven

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