Em Mon, 28 Dec 2009 20:49:09 -0200, Howard <hls...@gmail.com> escreveu:

Instead, let's pursue a more declarative approach, where we use an
annotation to mark pages that require that the user be logged in. We'll
start with these ground rules:
- Pages are freely accessible by anyone, unless they have
a @RequiresLogin annotation

That's exactly the approach used in my Tapestry Security package. It's not released yet nor it has documentation, but I'm already using it in production for a public Internet website (www.pronutricionista.com.br). Tapestry Security sources are available for browsing at http://ars-machina.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/ars-machina/tapestry-security/trunk/ and checkout at https://ars-machina.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/ars-machina/tapestry-security/trunk.

There's a @NeedsLoggedInUser annotation that is processed by a Dispatcher. It throws an AnonymousAccessDeniedException when a not logged in user attempts to read that page. Tapestry Security is built on top of Generic Authentication and Generic Authorization, two other packages in the same repository. Generic Authentication defines User, Permission, PermissionGroup, and UserGroup classes. There's another annotation, @NeedsPermission, denies access to unlogged users and logged user that don't have the need permission(s). Generic Authorization defines a framework for controlling access to reading, creating, updating, and removing objects, both at object and class level. Then Tapestry CRUD (even another package inside the Ars Machina Project) uses them to automatically secure CRUD pages.

I wish I had the opportunity the document and write unit test for them, so I could donate them to Tapestry, a project that requires very high quality code. Everyone is invited to checkout the code and post opinions and suggestions in the mailing list or send them to me directly.

- There's already some kind of UserAuthentication service that knows if
the user is currently logged in or not, and (if logged in) who they
are, as a User object

Tapestry Security has an UserService service that does exactly that. Maybe we could reuse it in Tapestry itself.

application to continue after the user logs in. Finally, the
AuthenticationService is not part of Tapestry ... it is something
specific to the application.

Tapestry could define an AuthenticationService interface and just provide a dummy one out-of-the-box. Other packages could overwrite the implementation of this service.

Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Independent Java, Apache Tapestry 5 and Hibernate consultant, developer, and instructor Owner, software architect and developer, Ars Machina Tecnologia da Informação Ltda.

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