Il 29/12/2009 21:32, Alex Kotchnev ha scritto:
> approach. As Thiago already mentioned, there are at least a few more
> solutions that attempt to provide this (e.g. Thiago's own,
> chenillekit-access, and a bunch more). 

Let's me play the Devil's advocate for a moment...

ChenilleKit-Access is an example of why the typical new user (like me)
will NOT use such a solution, no matter how good and elegant it could
be. The reason is that the ONLY official documentation you can find
using Google is the following....


ChenilleKit Access module sits in between your page processing logic and
the client HTTP request, doing so it is able to decide when and how the
request can pass through or not.

For doing so it needs two different steps. First it put RestrictedWorker
into the ComponentClassTranformWorker pipeline, this class is
responsible to read the annotation class and store various meta
information needed by AccessValidator. Second it put two Dispatcher into
two different pipelines for intercepting page render and component event
action requests to check if they're directed to restricted class/events
and to apply the needed constraints.

I'm sorry but I have to say that many (or most?) new users will not have
neither the time nor the patience to study the JavaDoc or the source
code just to figure out how to use this (or any other) library, no
matter how simple it can be.

Moreover, in many cases it would be very hard to convince the project
leader or the end user to accept a (sorry Thiago ....) not-canonical,
little known, little documented, maybe-risky library like this one.

For what regards me, for example, I would be forced to look for a
widely-recognized, well-tested, well-documented, standard module, inside
or outside the Tapestry world (Acegi?) or, as an alternative, to
demonstrate that ChenilleKit is the right tool for the task at hand
(being ready to pay for any possible error about my judgment...).

Just the voice of the Devil, anyway... ;-)

PS: Yes, I'm aware of this article: .


Alessandro Bottoni

"They say if you play a Microsoft CD backwards,
you hear satanic messages.
That's nothing, cause if you play it forwards,
it installs Windows."
     -- Unknown

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