On 28.12.2009 23:49, Howard wrote:
> Instead, let's pursue a more declarative approach, where we use an
> annotation to mark pages that require that the user be logged in. We'll
> start with these ground rules:
We changed several approaches since the start of our app, and this
approach is the last we have.

But as Howard discussed many times, such a solution is not fit for
everyone, and we don't have that special requirements.
We use this approach only for authorization, while the authentication is
completely done by JASIG CAS client that sits configured as a filter in
front of Tapestry.
In this case, if the visitor is not authenticated, he will never be able
to get a request thru to tapestry.
For authorization we have several different page annotations (similar to
the @RequiresLogin annotation) that we can combine and they tell us the
groups of users that are allowed to access a page.
Then a cross check is done in the requesthandler contribution whether
the annotation on the page corresponds to some of the groups the user is
member of read from the database.

Before that we had spring-security and i didn't like it, although the
point of it was that it already supported many type of authentication
methods. But it turns out we don't need them now, and the change was not
that big.

The information on how to implement all this was already discussed on
this mailing list, the wiki and other places and I managed to glue that
up in our working solution in less than a week working in free time.
Some of the wiki guides were outdated and hindered the process. With
such a guide I would have finished in just 1 day.

+1 from me for putting such article in the official documentation on the
website, because blogs are (by nature) relevant for a moment in time and
if it's put in the official documentation one would have to check and
"sign" that this works on every new release.

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