Am 22.02.2010 15:34, schrieb Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo:
I am really wonderung why an abstract class cannot be used as component (page) class.

Because it needs to be instantiated.

The reason why I am wondering:

Let's suppose I have a few pages with some shared functionality. I'd like to create a base class:

public abstract class BasePage{

     private Object someProp;

     public abstract Object getSomeProp();
     public void setSomeProp(Object someProp)


Put BasePage in the base package, not the components or pages one. Abstract classes are allowed there. By the way, you cannot use @Property in a property with getters and setters.

Yeah, I understand the limitation. But how should I access a property which is defined in my base class in one of the subclasses with these limitations?

As far as I understand, I cannot make my base classes property protected, nor can I generate a public getter/Setter pair.

Also abstract getter/setters won't work. (Although they used to work in T4. T4 could instantiate page or component classes, even if they werde abstract).

Kind regards,

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