
I'm on T5.2.0 so the code has been updated accordingly - looking through my
file history, I have:

                public static MyClientInfrastructure
ClientInfrastructure original, @InjectService("AssetSource") AssetSource
                        return new MyClientInfrastructure(original,
                public static void contributeAlias(
ClientInfrastructure cInfraService,
org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.Configuration<AliasContribution> configuration) {

... in my AppModule.  It's been a while since I looked at it so can't say
for sure but perhaps this is more in line with what is required for
T5.1.0.x.  I think ClientInfrastructure is deprecated in T5.2.0.  Hope this
is of use.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rich [] 
Sent: 22 July 2010 16:32
To: Tapestry users
Subject: Re: blackbird.js and IE breaking fixed CSS background image


attempt 6 at getting through spam blocker. I used the code mentioned but 
the "original" object from the decorate method is always null. I'm not 
sure what to do about that?


Jim O'Callaghan wrote:
> Hi Rich,
> Yep same guy, guilty as charged.  This may not be the best solution, you
> get some better advice from some of the more experienced Tapestry people
> the forum, but it's the approach I used.  The post I included earlier was
> indeed about just ensuring a specific order was enforced in the js
> for the ClientInfrastructure, but I have used a variation on it to include
> my local version of blackbird.js, rather than the one that comes with
> T5.1.0.5.  The code is as follows:
>       public ClientInfrastructure
> decorateClientInfrastructure(ClientInfrastructure original,
> @InjectService("AssetSource") AssetSource assetSource) {
>           return new MyClientInfrastructure(original, assetSource);
>       }
> public class MyClientInfrastructure implements ClientInfrastructure {
>       @Inject
>       AssetSource assetSource;
>       ClientInfrastructure clientInfrastructure;
>     List javascriptStack = new ArrayList(); 
>     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
>       public MyClientInfrastructure(ClientInfrastructure
> clientInfrastructure, AssetSource assetSource) {
>       this.assetSource = assetSource;    
>       this.clientInfrastructure = clientInfrastructure;
>       // Add jQuery assets in ahead of Prototype - IE8 was burping
> otherwise, despite jQuery.noConflict being set
>       javascriptStack.add(assetSource.getAsset(null,
> "context:/scripts/jquery-1.4.2.min.js", null));
>       javascriptStack.add(assetSource.getAsset(null,
> "context:/scripts/jquery-ui-1.8.1.custom.min.js", null));
>         List assets = this.clientInfrastructure.getJavascriptStack();
>         for (Iterator i = assets.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
>             Asset asset = (Asset);
>             if (!asset.toString().contains("blackbird.js")) {
>               javascriptStack.add(asset);
>             } else {
>               javascriptStack.add(assetSource.getAsset(null,
> "context:/scripts/blackbird_1_0/blackbird.js", null));
>             }
>         }
>     }
>     public List<Asset> getJavascriptStack() {
>               //return clientInfrastructure.getJavascriptStack();
>               return javascriptStack;
>     }
>     public List<Asset> getStylesheetStack() {
>             return clientInfrastructure.getStylesheetStack();
>     }
> }
> I have my local blackbird.js physically located in the project under
> src\main\webapp\scripts\blackbird_1_0\blackbird.js.
> Obviously the jQuery ordering is not relevant to your specific problem,
> the replacement of blackbird.js is.  Probably could be more
> elegant/efficient, but it's just called once at startup so I wasn't too
> concerned about it.
> Hope this get things working for you <and I don't get chewed by the more
> enlightened forum members!>.
> Regards,
> Jim.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Rich [] 
>> Sent: 20 July 2010 17:25
>> To:
>> Subject: blackbird.js and IE breaking fixed CSS background image
>> Hi,
>> I'm aware blackbird.js is not directly Tapestry code, but I'm looking 
>> for advice on how to handle an issue with the blackbird.js file. I had 
>> been having problems with getting the fixed background image in my 
>> tapestry webapp to stay fixed in Internet Explorer. I'd given up 
>> searching for a solution (it appeared to be beyond the CSS I was using) 
>> until someone recently pointed out that a line of code in blackbird.js 
>> breaks the fixed background for IE.
>> I went and re-jared the tapestry-core with the line of code commented 
>> out and it now works in internet explorer. However, having to manage my 
>> own version of the tapestry-core jar to fix an IE bug does not seem like 
>> a good idea. Is there a way to exclude blackbird from my projects all 
>> together? Or maybe there is some other, better solution?
>> Regards,
>> Rich

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