Whoops. Seems I spoke too soon. After looking at that code out of context it looked like the @InjectService and @Core are at stakes in the AppModule, and removing @InjectService allowed @Core to resolve through properly. Seems to be working alright now. Thanks Jim and Robert for the help.


Rich wrote:
Sure, here is the current code from AppModule and MyClientInfrastructure.


|public static ClientInfrastructure
decorateClientInfrastructure(@InjectService("ClientInfrastructure") @Core ClientInfrastructure original, @InjectService("AssetSource") AssetSource
   assetSource) {
       return new MyClientInfrastructure(original, assetSource);
   }    |


|public class MyClientInfrastructure implements ClientInfrastructure {

   private ClientInfrastructure clientInfrastructure;
   @Inject private AssetSource assetSource;
   private List jsStack = new ArrayList();
public MyClientInfrastructure(ClientInfrastructure original, AssetSource asource){ this.assetSource = asource; this.clientInfrastructure = original; System.out.println("ClientInfrastructure -> " + clientInfrastructure); List assets = this.clientInfrastructure.getJavascriptStack();
       for (Iterator i = assets.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
           Asset asset = (Asset) i.next();
           if (!asset.toString().contains("blackbird.js")) {
           } else {
jsStack.add(assetSource.getAsset(null, "context:/scripts/blackbird_1_0/blackbird.js", null));
     public List<Asset> getJavascriptStack() {
       return jsStack;

   public List<Asset> getStylesheetStack() {
       return clientInfrastructure.getStylesheetStack();


|||At this point I still get a recursion issue on ClientInfrastructure class. I chose this permutation because that recursion seems potentially 'easier' to solve than one on Alias or AliasOverrides.


Robert Zeigler wrote:
Hey Rich,

Can you post the code for your various attempts? I know you said earlier you were having issues posting the code... if it still fails, you can try e-mailing me directly with the code. In any event, if you're basing your code on Jim's code that he posted below, the main thing that stands out to me is that messing with AliasOverrides is tricky because it's used in /so/ many places, particularly if you're not /very/ explicit about which service you want to inject. One thing you could try is to mark, as appropriate, the various injections of the ClientInfrastructure with @Core or @Local, as the case may be: when you want tapestry's native service injected, use @Core; when you want your version of the service, use @Local. You might try that and see if it helps with the issues where tapestry is complaining about recursion. Theoretically, specifying the serviceid (@InjectService("somesersviceid")) should be sufficient, as well, but I've found I have better success using the Marker annotations.



On Jul 22, 2010, at 7/223:30 PM , Rich wrote:

No problem, I appreciate the time and effort. I've got the code using Tapestry I suppose this isn't the biggest bug in the world and with 5.2 on the horizon it might be worth just waiting, but I've also got my curiosity piqued as to the whole service decoration stuff now. I'm still trying to be able to intelligibly build on tapestry rather than just using it, and concepts like this seem to be vital components to that progress.


Jim O'Callaghan wrote:
Sorry I can't be of more help Rich - we've migrated over to T5.2.0 so I don't have a pre T5.2.0 environment I can test this under at the moment. You're right though it shouldn't be difficult at all - I've found a lot of these minor things have me banging my head on the desk until someone chips in with the solution, before having the 'ahhh' moment. Hopefully someone here can steer you straight - what exact version of Tapestry are you using?


-----Original Message-----
From: Rich [mailto:rich...@moremagic.com] Sent: 22 July 2010 20:51
To: Tapestry users
Subject: Re: blackbird.js and IE breaking fixed CSS background image

No luck still =/

I tried it many ways:
decorateClientInfrastructure with contributeAliasOverride with bind:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Construction of service 'AliasOverrides' has failed due to recursion: the service depends on itself in some way. Please check org.apache.tapestry5.internal.services.AliasManagerImpl(Logger, Collection) (at AliasManagerImpl.java:32) via org.apache.tapestry5.services.TapestryModule.bind(ServiceBinder) (at TapestryModule.java:251) for references to another service that is itself dependent on service 'AliasOverrides'.

decorateClientInfrastructure without contributeAliasOverride without bind: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Construction of service 'ClientInfrastructure' has failed due to recursion: the service depends on itself in some way. Please check org.apache.tapestry5.internal.services.ClientInfrastructureImpl(SymbolSource , AssetSource, ThreadLocale) (at ClientInfrastructureImpl.java:64) via org.apache.tapestry5.services.TapestryModule.bind(ServiceBinder) (at TapestryModule.java:251) for references to another service that is itself dependent on service 'ClientInfrastructure'.

decorateClientInfrastructure without contributeAliasOverride with bind: java.lang.RuntimeException: Service interface org.apache.tapestry5.services.ClientInfrastructure is matched by 2 services: ClientInfrastructure, MyClientInfrastructure. Automatic dependency resolution requires that exactly one service implement the interface.

buildMyClientInfrastructure with contributeAlias:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Construction of service 'Alias' has failed due to recursion: the service depends on itself in some way. Please check org.apache.tapestry5.services.TapestryModule.buildAlias(Logger, String, AliasManager, Collection) (at TapestryModule.java:325) for references to another service that is itself dependent on service 'Alias'.

buildMyClientInfrastructure without contributeAlias:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Service interface org.apache.tapestry5.services.ClientInfrastructure is matched by 2 services: ClientInfrastructure, MyClientInfrastructure. Automatic dependency resolution requires that exactly one service implement the interface.

buildMyClientInfrastructure with contributeAliasOverrides:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Construction of service 'AliasOverrides' has failed due to recursion: the service depends on itself in some way. Please check org.apache.tapestry5.internal.services.AliasManagerImpl(Logger, Collection) (at AliasManagerImpl.java:32) via org.apache.tapestry5.services.TapestryModule.bind(ServiceBinder) (at TapestryModule.java:251) for references to another service that is itself dependent on service 'AliasOverrides'.

Errors were pretty similar, and this was about as many permutations as I could imagine. Can anyone shed some light towards a reasonable way to decorate the ClientInfrastructure so I can swap the blackbird.js? I find it hard to believe decoration is this complicated.


Jim O'Callaghan wrote:

I'm on T5.2.0 so the code has been updated accordingly - looking through
file history, I have:

          public static MyClientInfrastructure
ClientInfrastructure original, @InjectService("AssetSource") AssetSource
              return new MyClientInfrastructure(original,
          }                public static void contributeAlias(
ClientInfrastructure cInfraService,
org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.Configuration<AliasContribution> configuration) { configuration.add(AliasContribution.create(ClientInfrastructure.class,

... in my AppModule. It's been a while since I looked at it so can't say
for sure but perhaps this is more in line with what is required for
T5.1.0.x. I think ClientInfrastructure is deprecated in T5.2.0. Hope
is of use.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rich [mailto:rich...@moremagic.com] Sent: 22 July 2010 16:32
To: Tapestry users
Subject: Re: blackbird.js and IE breaking fixed CSS background image


attempt 6 at getting through spam blocker. I used the code mentioned but the "original" object from the decorate method is always null. I'm not sure what to do about that?


Jim O'Callaghan wrote:
Hi Rich,

Yep same guy, guilty as charged. This may not be the best solution, you
get some better advice from some of the more experienced Tapestry people
the forum, but it's the approach I used. The post I included earlier was
indeed about just ensuring a specific order was enforced in the js
for the ClientInfrastructure, but I have used a variation on it to
my local version of blackbird.js, rather than the one that comes with
T5.1.0.5.  The code is as follows:

     public ClientInfrastructure
decorateClientInfrastructure(ClientInfrastructure original,
@InjectService("AssetSource") AssetSource assetSource) {
         return new MyClientInfrastructure(original, assetSource);

public class MyClientInfrastructure implements ClientInfrastructure {

    AssetSource assetSource;
ClientInfrastructure clientInfrastructure; List javascriptStack = new ArrayList(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
    public MyClientInfrastructure(ClientInfrastructure
clientInfrastructure, AssetSource assetSource) {
this.assetSource = assetSource; this.clientInfrastructure = clientInfrastructure;
       // Add jQuery assets in ahead of Prototype - IE8 was burping
otherwise, despite jQuery.noConflict being set
"context:/scripts/jquery-1.4.2.min.js", null));
"context:/scripts/jquery-ui-1.8.1.custom.min.js", null));

       List assets = this.clientInfrastructure.getJavascriptStack();
       for (Iterator i = assets.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
           Asset asset = (Asset) i.next();
           if (!asset.toString().contains("blackbird.js")) {
           } else {
"context:/scripts/blackbird_1_0/blackbird.js", null));

   public List<Asset> getJavascriptStack() {
           //return clientInfrastructure.getJavascriptStack();
           return javascriptStack;

   public List<Asset> getStylesheetStack() {
           return clientInfrastructure.getStylesheetStack();

I have my local blackbird.js physically located in the project under

Obviously the jQuery ordering is not relevant to your specific problem,
the replacement of blackbird.js is.  Probably could be more
elegant/efficient, but it's just called once at startup so I wasn't too
concerned about it.

Hope this get things working for you <and I don't get chewed by the more
enlightened forum members!>.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rich [mailto:rich...@moremagic.com] Sent: 20 July 2010 17:25
To: users@tapestry.apache.org
Subject: blackbird.js and IE breaking fixed CSS background image


I'm aware blackbird.js is not directly Tapestry code, but I'm looking for advice on how to handle an issue with the blackbird.js file. I had been having problems with getting the fixed background image in my tapestry webapp to stay fixed in Internet Explorer. I'd given up searching for a solution (it appeared to be beyond the CSS I was using) until someone recently pointed out that a line of code in blackbird.js breaks the fixed background for IE.

I went and re-jared the tapestry-core with the line of code commented out and it now works in internet explorer. However, having to manage my own version of the tapestry-core jar to fix an IE bug does not seem like
a good idea. Is there a way to exclude blackbird from my projects all together? Or maybe there is some other, better solution?


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