I am new to Tapestry, and I am working on a project that uses it. I use
version but I can change it to newer one.

I am trying to make a dynamic form component, something like beaneditform,
but based not on bean field type, but on some property in database.
So I have a number of components like text input, date picker and other and
I want to render  some of them in the form according to the list of
properties (for example strings - id's of components) from DB and then
properly submit these fields values and process them.
Another words I want to create something like

<t:${componentNameFromDB} ...>

inside the loop in a form. Of course this example does not work. But I think
this is the best way to explain, what I want.
I tried to use delegate component, but as I understood, I should define all
my components (inputs and other) inside one tml-page in block tags and
create block instances in java code. Can I do that with separate components
for every element in the form?
What is the best way to achieve it?

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