Thanks for the response,

I hope I am over-complicating things for sure.

The images are static resources at this point. The db names are dynamic as a halfway step towards the eventual goal of allowing uploads by the user (as you mention in the latter half of your e-mail). At this point our release version will not support uploads though.

I do benefit from having the names in the DB in the sense that I can run a loop over Entity objects pulled from the DB and then read the image from there instead of writing static html tags for each image.

After messing around with your advice, I think I'm getting a better sense to the issues I'm facing here. Allow me to explain.

I display these images in two places: an overview page that loops over a custom component I have (this component has the [img ] tag), and in a column in a grid of the Product entities on another page.

The custom component, ContentBubble, takes in a parameter called imgRef that has set BindingConstants.CONTEXT and it writes out the tag as [img src="${imgRef}" /].

Previously, I was able to see a placeholder hardcoded image on these pages. In the TML page that declares the ContentBubble, the imgRef parameter was set like so:


Now when I modify this to include the dynamic name the images no longer work:


where product.imageLink would resolve to placeholder.gif

Now that I've singled it down to this, I think my problem should be more obvious and hopefully simpler.

Thanks for your patience,

On 12/14/2010 03:42 PM, Kalle Korhonen wrote:
You are way over-complicating things. If these are static resources
(your webapp/ implies that but storing the names in the db implies the
opposite), you can just refer to them by
/layout/images/product/<filename>  (possibly add a context path). If
they are not static resources, e.g. users of your application upload
these images, you have to store them outside of the webapplication
context path, something like /var/<myapplication>/images/ for example.
Then you create a link to the resource and return a stream response to
a particular image with something like:

public Link getUploadedProductImage() {
        return resources.createEventLink("productimage");

public StreamResponse onUploadedProductImage() throws
FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        return new 


On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 1:32 PM, Rich M<>  wrote:

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to dynamically display some images I
have in a sub-path of my webapp/ folder in my Tapestry application

I have db entities that store the names of files in a folder in
webapp/layout/images/products/, and in a TML page using a grid, I want to be
able to display these images.

The only way I was able to get an image to display was to provide a path
like: /app/assets/ctx/1.0/layout/images/products/${prod.imageLink}

That gave me problems with my Application filter/dispatcher, however, as it
seemed to regard this is a page access outside the scope of the user-session
context and log out the user.

I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be hardcoding that reference to the asset from a
url anyway, how can I have it load the image through tapestry like all the
other images in the site, like the ones I load through CSS that do not break
the application filter/dispatcher?

I hope I was clear enough as to what my problem is.


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