
I use the maven dependencies as shown at [1]. [2] shows you a short version of my code generating a pdf from my tapestry page displaying an invoice (PrintInvoice.class). Note that I am building it as we speak so it might still be somewhat crude at places.

Hope it helps,

[1] maven dependencies:


[2] my code:

@Component(id = "pdfInvoiceLink", parameters = {"context=literal:fileNameOfPdfToDownload.pdf"})
    private ActionLink pdfInvoiceLink;

    //event methods

    @OnEvent(component = "pdfInvoiceLink")
    private Object handlePdfDownload() throws Exception {

Link invoiceLink = pageRenderLinkSource.createPageRenderLinkWithContext(PrintInvoice.class, getInvoice().getId());
        String baseURL = baseURLSource.getBaseURL(true);
        URL url = new URL(baseURL + invoiceLink.getBasePath());

String htmlContent = getHtmlContent(url, requestGlobals.getHTTPServletRequest().getSession().getId());
        Document document = generateDocumentFromHtml(htmlContent);
        byte[] pdfBytes = convertDocumentToPdfByteArray(baseURL, document);

final ByteArrayInputStream responseStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(pdfBytes);

        final StreamResponse response = new StreamResponse() {

            public String getContentType() {
                return ContentTypeConstants.PDF_CONTENT_TYPE;

            public InputStream getStream() throws IOException {
                return responseStream;

            public void prepareResponse(Response response) {
        return response;

     * @param baseURL
     * @param document
     * @return
     * @throws DocumentException
     * @throws IOException
    private byte[] convertDocumentToPdfByteArray(String baseURL,
            Document document) throws DocumentException, IOException {
        ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        ITextRenderer renderer = new ITextRenderer();
        renderer.setDocument(document, baseURL);


        byte[] pdfBytes = os.toByteArray();
        return pdfBytes;

     * @param htmlContent
     * @return
     * @throws JDOMException
     * @throws IOException
    private Document generateDocumentFromHtml(String htmlContent)
            throws JDOMException, IOException {

        //using JDOM to generate the DOM from xhtml
        SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
        //Don't validate the DTD
        builder.setEntityResolver(new EntityResolver() {

public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId)
                    throws SAXException, IOException {
                if (systemId.contains(".dtd")) {
                    return new InputSource(new StringReader(""));
                } else {
                    return null;

ByteArrayInputStream byteIS = new ByteArrayInputStream(htmlContent.toString().getBytes());
        org.jdom.Document jdomDocument = builder.build(byteIS);
        DOMOutputter outputter = new DOMOutputter();
//convert JDOM Document to org.w3c.dom.Document
        Document document = outputter.output(jsdomDocument);
        return document;

public String getHtmlContent(URL url, String sessionId) throws IOException, CertificateException { HttpsURLConnection ucon = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();
//provide the JSESSIONID cookie to make sure the same session is used as the current one. Needed for logon credentials
        ucon.setRequestProperty("Cookie", "JSESSIONID=" + sessionId);
//to make the connection work for development localhost with a self signed certificate, provide this HostnameVerifier
        ucon.setHostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifier() {

            public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) {
//on localhost, allow for faulty certificates as it will always be dev
                return hostname.equals("localhost") ? true : false;
        InputStream inputStream = ucon.getInputStream();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
        StringBuilder htmlBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        String pre = null;
        while ((pre = in.readLine()) != null){

        String htmlContent = htmlBuilder.toString();
        log.debug("The downloaded html file:\n\n" + htmlContent);

        return htmlContent;

On 31/12/10 12:54 AM, Angelo C. wrote:
Hi Joost,

This is a good solution, is there any maven dependencies I can directly
specify to pull down the Flying Saucer? or some codes that I can directly
use in a T5 app?



Joost Schouten (mailing lists) wrote:
Another option is to use Flying Saucer [1] to render the html in pure
java. I use it with iText [2] to create pdf's from any xhtml page.
This is a nice combination as it basically allows you to template your
pdf's with tapestry pages. So from within a Tapestry page you retreive
any html with the use of an URLConnection (in my case another page in
my own app) and return it in the form of an pdf.

I'm sure there are ways to render to images i n Flying Saucer as well.

Good luck,

[1] https://xhtmlrenderer.dev.java.net/

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 5:19 PM, Donny Nadolny<donny.nado...@gmail.com>
Kind of. You can run it using xvfb (assuming linux), so you don't need a
full x server.

Selenium is a remote control tool for browsers, mainly used for writing
tests for webapps. It starts up firefox (or ie, chrome, or safari) and
controls the browser, telling it to click on links / type things, and you
can make assertions on the output. Usually it's only run on developer/CI
machines, not on your production machine, although I've seen it done.

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 11:12 AM, Angelo C.<angelochen...@gmail.com>

Thanks for the quick answer, not so familiar with selenium, can it be
headless in the server?
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