
just now I tried to use the TabSet component from chenillekit-tapestry 1.3.0
with Tapestry 5.2.4. I am getting this

Unable to resolve 'chenillekit/TabSet' to a component class name.

When my application starts, it prints the available components and TabSet is
one of them:
chenillekit/TabSet: org.chenillekit.tapestry.core.components.TabSet
ck/TabSet: org.chenillekit.tapestry.core.components.TabSet

I even looked inside the manifest of the chenillekit-tapestry jar and it
seems ok.

The error page however does not list the ck components:

Unable to resolve 'chenillekit/TabSet' to a component class name.

Component types:

   - ActionLink
   - AddRowLink
   - AjaxFormLoop
   - Any
   - BeanDisplay
   - BeanEditForm
   - BeanEditor
   - Checkbox
   - DateField
   - Delegate
   - Error
   - Errors
   - EventLink
   - ExceptionDisplay
   - Form
   - FormFragment
   - FormInjector
   - Grid
   - GridCell
   - GridColumns
   - GridPager
   - GridRows
   - Hidden
   - If
   - Label
   - Layout
   - LinkSubmit
   - Loop
   - Output
   - OutputRaw
   - PageLink
   - Palette
   - PasswordField
   - ProgressiveDisplay
   - PropertyDisplay
   - PropertyEditor
   - Radio
   - RadioGroup
   - RemoveRowLink
   - RenderObject
   - Select
   - Submit
   - SubmitNotifier
   - TextArea
   - TextField
   - TextOutput
   - Trigger
   - Unless
   - Zone
   - cay/EntityField
   - cay/Select
   - cay/ToManyViewer
   - cay/ToOneEditor

I am including the component library like:


Any ideas?


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